Pest Control Apps
Pest Control Apps

Pest Control, It is a service that provides effective pest control solutions for healthy and hygienic living spaces.
Pest Control is a vital service provided to protect human living and working spaces from pests. Pests can cause health issues, structural damages, and negative impacts. Therefore, expert pest control teams focus on creating hygienic and safe environments by using environmentally-friendly and effective methods to eliminate pests. This service offers customized solutions to tackle a wide range of pest species, from insects to rodents, flies to mosquitoes. The pest control process aims to permanently resolve pest problems with a comprehensive approach that includes preventive measures, chemical treatments, heat applications, and more. As a result, customers can enjoy a clean, healthy, and comfortable living and working environment

Pest Control Apps
• ULV Application
Residual Application
• Gel Application
• Larvacid Application
Outdoor Application
• Rodent Challenge
Cause / Effect Analysis
It is investigated whether the harmful activities in the business are caused by the business and whether there is a risk in terms of product and production.
Integrated Pest Control (IPMA)
It is the integration of appropriate measures by taking into account the population dynamics of the factors that cause harm in the enterprise and their relations with the environment, using all appropriate combat methods in harmony and minimizing the risks against the environment.
You want to work with BERVA and you invited us. What do we do?
• We conduct an audit in your facility with the help of the Integrated Pest Management Check List (IPM Check List) specific to your sector,
• We report our audit results and risk analysis results to you,
• We submit our offer to you, taking into account factors such as audit data and your industry characteristics,
• After the agreement, we make our contract and install it,
• We create the Pest Mobile program infrastructure, we define your company in the program,
• We maintain routine controls and an effective Integrated Pest Management together with our professional teams and you.
• We implement an effective Suggestion and Nonconformity management in our works and we implement practices that will cause the least harm to human health and the environment in line with our vision.
It is possible to control and maintain pest activity in your living spaces and businesses by conducting Integrated Pest Control with Berva.
We are ready to serve you professionally and effectively with our teams spread all over the country.